THE TELEGRAPH - Meet the woman who has created a Google for fashion
Sometimes an idea seems so simple that most people can only see pitfalls. That’s what happened when Alexandra Van Houtte first pitched tag-walk.com to what turned out to be her toughest crowd: her family. Her vision was to build an online resource that stocked every look from every show in the four main fashion capitals, and additionally, group them into themes and trends.

LA NACION - La parisina que creó el Google de la moda
Alexandra van Houtte fusionó su experiencia en la industria con el Big Data para crear un buscador de las pasarelas más importantes del circuito fashion; en tan sólo un año consiguió financiamiento premium y revolucionó al mundo digital

Madame Figaro - TAGWALK, le google de la mode ?
Le site de recherche que tous les professionnels attendaient a été créé par une franco-anglaise de 27 ans. Une petite révolution.

Bougeotte - Alexandra Van Houtte
The founder of Tagwalk, fashion’s NEW search engine, talks about swapping fashion styling for entrepreneurship, and the LESSONS learnt from launching her own start-up.

Vogue Ukraine - Tagwalk
ACTIVELY SEARCHING. The founder of TagWalk Alexandra Van Houtte told Vogue UA about her seach engine which is expected to be the new Google for the fashion industry.

Clausette.cc - Tagwalk
Talking fashion, entrepreneurship & startups with Alexandra Van Houtte, founder of TAGWALK.